
Shiva Trust's

Sharadchandraji Pawar Polytechnic College

Nipani-Bhalgaon, Aurangabad - 431007

Approved by AICTE New Delhi | Recognized by Government of Maharashtra

Affiliated to MSBTE, Mumbai

Composition of SC/ST Committee

Sr. No Members Designation
1. Prof.S.R.Ambhore Chairman
2. Mr.G.P. Kandalkar Member Faculty
3. Mr. P.R Payghan Member Faculty
4. Mrs.D.P.Adhule Member Faculty
5. Mr.K.K.Danke Member Faculty
6. Mr.R.Jadhav Representative from Teaching Faculty
7. Kunal Dabhade Representative from non-Teaching
8. Vichal Gaikwad Representative from Student.


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