
Shiva Trust's

Sharadchandraji Pawar Polytechnic College

Nipani-Bhalgaon, Aurangabad - 431007

Approved by AICTE New Delhi | Recognized by Government of Maharashtra

Affiliated to MSBTE, Mumbai

Mechanical Engineering Department Department Faculty

Sr. No Name of faculty Designation
1. Mr.Avinash Zol H.O.D
2. Mr.Piyush Bawaskar Lecturer
3. Mr. Babasaheb Dongre Lecturer
4. Mr.Arvind Chavan Lecturer
5. Mr.Avinash Kharbe Lecturer
6. Mr.Aniket Dubey Lecturer
7. Mr.Pankaj Payghan Lecturer
8. Mr.Prashant Gadpe Lecturer
9. Mr.Javed Mulani Lecturer
10. Mr.Jagdesh Bhalerao Lecturer
11. Mr.Ashish Jogdand Lecturer
12. Mr.Rushikesh Gadekar Lecturer
13. Mr.Raju Mimrot Lecturer
14. Mr.Kiran Khade Lecturer
15. Mr.Nitesh Tayde Lecturer


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