
Shiva Trust's

Sharadchandraji Pawar Polytechnic College

Nipani-Bhalgaon, Aurangabad - 431007

Approved by AICTE New Delhi | Recognized by Government of Maharashtra

Affiliated to MSBTE, Mumbai

Electrical Engineering Department Laboratory

Sr. No Name of Laboratory No of Major Equipment’s
1. Basic Electrical Lab Storage Battery & Charging Kit Faradays First Law Kit KVL & KCL KIT LVDT trainer kit for measurement of output voltage and displacement Strain gauge trainer kit for measurement of output voltage and force RTD Thermocouple trainer kit to verify the relation between temp & volt. "Trainer kit of level transducer to measure level or flow and output voltage" "Trainer kit to verify the characteristics of LDR or Photodiode and Phototransistor" "Trainer kit for pressure measurement using diaphragm type pressure guage" "Trainer kit to verify the function of OP-AMP as inverting/non-inverting ampl, adder," "Trainer kit to verify the function of OP-AMP as comparator, schmitt trigger" 30 MHZ 2 Chanel CRO FET Characteristics Trainer Kit, BAR MAGNET 2 NOS in BOX
2. Machine Lab
3. Electrical Circuits & Network Lab 1 KVA single pahse Transformer 230 V / 115 V with tapping and terminals brought out bakelite , air cooled SPDT Knife Switch SPST Knife Switch The Venin and Norton Theorem Kit 3ph lamp bank (3ph,415V,15A) with 6 terminal Capacitor Load Bank 10 AMP 3 phase 1 phase auto transformer
4. Pawar Electronics Lab CRO 30 MHZ BNC to BNC Probes BNC To Crocodile Signal Generator (4061 & ME-902) Dual Power Dc Supply ST-4041 Silicon & DC regulated power supply ME-130J) SCR Characteristics Kit TRAIC Characteristics Kit DIAC Characteristics Kit UJT Characteristics Kit UJT Relaxation Oscillator Kit Fully Controlled Full Wave Rectifier 1 Phase Half Controlled Full Wave Rectifier Thyristor Based Illumination Control Kit (ME-791J) Fan Speed Regulator Using Traic & Quadriac (ME-793J) Speed Control Of DC Shunt Motor Using Thyristor (ME-800J)
5. Elelctrical Measurments Lab Power factor meter Cos meter megger 500v.100ohms "Single Phase Capacitive Load Bank 4 AMP with Voltmeter meter 1.25 KW Approx. 5 AMP" Kelvin double Bridge single phase lamp load 20 AMP 5 KW Approx. Galvanometer range 30-0-30G "Single Phase inductive Load Bank with measuring ammeter, voltmeter meter capacity : 3kw( 12 amp)" CT 25/5 CT 100/5 PT 440/150 Frequency Meter Autotransformer(1ph,0-270v,8A) 3 Phase auto-transformer I/P - 440 V 20 AMP
6. Switchgear & Protection Lab HRC Fuse 10 A Switchgear Testing Kit Relay Testing Kit ELCB / MCB / MCCB / RCB/ RCCB Oil Testing Kit 60 KVA Laboratory Type Induction Coil "DC Power Supply, Dua l 30- 0-30 V/2A with four Digital meters" Stepper Motor Control Trainer Kit


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