
Shiva Trust's

Sharadchandraji Pawar Polytechnic College

Nipani-Bhalgaon, Aurangabad - 431007

Approved by AICTE New Delhi | Recognized by Government of Maharashtra

Affiliated to MSBTE, Mumbai

Mechanical EngineeringDeaprtment Laboratory

Sr. No Name of Laboratory No of Major Equipment’s
1. Automobile Lab 1.chasis cut section 2.bracking system trainer board 3.cut model of Gear system 4.Car Steering Trainer
2. Thermal engineering lab 1.Searle's apparatus of Thermal conductivity. 2.STEFAN BOLTZMANN S APPARATUS 3.different boiler model 4.thermal conductivity of metal rod
3. Industrial fluid power lab 1.Oil hydraulic circuit trainer 2.pneumatic trainer 3.meter in & meter out circuit
4. Power Engineering lab 1.refrigeration test rig 2.window AC test rig 3.two stroke petrol engine test rig 4.four stroke diesel engine test rig
5. Theory of machine lab 1.slider crank mechanism 2.geneva mechanism 3.governer & flywheel 4.cam profile projector
6. fluid Mechanics & Machinery lab 1.Bernoulis theorem apparatus 2.losses in pipe fitting apparatus 3.venturimeter & orifice meter apparatus 4.pelton wheel test rig 5.dead weight pressure gauge
7. Applied Mechanics lab 1.differential winch crab single 2.differentila winch crab double 3.universal force table 4.reaction of forces in beam apparatus 5.screw jack


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