1. |
Automobile Lab |
1.chasis cut section
2.bracking system trainer board
3.cut model of Gear system
4.Car Steering Trainer |
2. |
Thermal engineering lab |
1.Searle's apparatus of Thermal conductivity.
3.different boiler model
4.thermal conductivity of metal rod |
3. |
Industrial fluid power lab |
1.Oil hydraulic circuit trainer
2.pneumatic trainer
3.meter in & meter out circuit |
4. |
Power Engineering lab |
1.refrigeration test rig
2.window AC test rig
3.two stroke petrol engine test rig
4.four stroke diesel engine test rig |
5. |
Theory of machine lab |
1.slider crank mechanism
2.geneva mechanism
3.governer & flywheel
4.cam profile projector |
6. |
fluid Mechanics & Machinery lab |
1.Bernoulis theorem apparatus
2.losses in pipe fitting apparatus
3.venturimeter & orifice meter apparatus
4.pelton wheel test rig
5.dead weight pressure gauge |
7. |
Applied Mechanics lab |
1.differential winch crab single
2.differentila winch crab double
3.universal force table
4.reaction of forces in beam apparatus
5.screw jack |